Bamboo hut for Maggi point
A Pre-Fabricated washroom would facility would be provided so as to act as additional attraction point, especially at the end of a tiring journey. The user fee would be collected and its management would be given to local JFMC.
To increase the options of staying and having a good view while enjoying a meal or tea, on the view of the lake, a steel structure (non- permanent and pre-fabricated) would be constructed
This would be needed as ticket counter near the site for various activities such as boating, Maggi point, wildlife safari, parking fee etc
As one of the entry path is close to National Highway, a parking space is needed for parking of vehicles so that unnecessary clutter do not happen on the road. Also, this would serve as one of the source of the revenue for local JFMC
A location where tourist can take selfie-photos is a major tourism booster. Thus, a selfie/photo click point at suitable location, will be constructed so as to give specific memories to the tourists.
Boating is natural activity at any large waterbody which is cherished by all.. Boating attracts lots of tourist and is best way to enjoy the local scenery. Revenue sharing models can be developed for boating facilities.
Kayaking is an activity which will be highly appreciated by tourist. Proper safety measures will be taken, and the activity will be undertaken under surveillance of local fishermen, who themselves know swimming.
Boulder pitched footpath for nature trails
Small bridges
Stone Signages along Nature Trail
Training is must for engaging constructively local villagers to the activities and bring more fun to the tourists. The interested villagers would be trained in Motor Boats Operation, Kayaking, Catering, Bird Watching, Eco-tourist guides etc